Decimal Addition

Each 4 bit data quantity may be treated as a decimal number as long as it represents one of the decimal digits from 0 through 9, and does not contain any of the bit patterns representing the hexadecimal digits A through F.

In order to preserve this decimal interpretation when perfonning addition, the value 6 must be added to the accumulator whenever an addition produces a result between 10 and 15. This is because each 4 bit data quantity can hold 6 more combinations of bits than there are decimal digits.

The DAA (decimal adjust accumulator) instruction is provided for this purpose. Also, to permit addition of multi-digit decimal numbers, the DAA adds 6 to the accumulator whenever the carry bit is set indicating a decimal carry from previous additions. The carry bit is unaffected unless the addition of 6 produces a carry, in which case the carry bit is set.

Example: Perform the decimal addition

4 6 9
3 2 9 +
7 9 8

1 Clear the carry and add the lowest-order digits

           9  =   1 0 0 1
           9  =   1 0 0 1
      Carry   =         0
Result            0 0 1 0
Carry       1

2 Perform a DAA operation, which will add 6 to the accumulator. Since no carry is produced by this operation, the carry bit is left unaffected (i.e. 1)

 Accumulator  =   0 0 1 0
           6  =   0 1 1 0
      Carry   =         0
Result            1 0 0 0 = 8
Carry       1

(since the DAA produced no carry, the bit is unaffected)

3 Add the next two digits

           6  =   0 1 1 0
           2  =   0 0 1 0
      Carry   =         1
Result            1 0 0 1 = 9
Carry       0

4 Perform a DAA operation. Since the accumulator is not greater than 9, and the carry is not set, then no action occurs.

5 Add the next two digits

           4  =   0 1 0 0
           3  =   0 0 1 1
      Carry   =         0
Result            0 1 1 1 = 7
Carry       0

6 Perform a DAA operation. Again, no action occurs. Thus, the correct result (798) is generated in three 4-bit data characters.

Example Code (subroutine)

A subroutine which adds two 16 digit decimal numbers can be found here: